Appalachian Trail Thru-HikeAppalachian Trail Thru-Hike
May 2002 - Nov 2002May 2002 - Nov 2002
Appalachian Trail Journal
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AT MI: 134.0
MY TOTAL: 2034.8
MY DAILY: 16.1
WESSER, NC (AT Mi: 134.0)
Thu, 14 Nov 2002 05:00:00 GMT
(Daily Mi: 16.1) Not an un-pretty hike today. Had lunch on top of an open bald in actual sunshine. Found register entries from Brother and Laura just ahead. Couldn't tell if they were headed into town at the Wesser road-head, but from notes left by another SoBo (Teranaut -- passed again) sounded like they were up to their old tricks night hiking and day sleeping.

Steep climb down to the Nantahala Outdoor Center. Already pretty much at the end of their season, I get in a little too late for what limited services, outside of a warm bunk and laundry facilities are available. This is grim as I had really hoped for a hot meal.

Buy the the last dehydrated meal and the last two non-caffinated Clif bars available at the campstore just before their trail shop closes up, pay for a bunk, drop my gear and hike a mile and a half in fading light to a convenience store up a winding shoulderless road.

Grim pickings and apparently funds I transfered to my checking account have not yet registered leaving me with 20 dollars until Hiawassee -- not that I'll have any place to spend it. Scary road walk back to the Outdoors center in full darkness. At least I thought to put fresh batteries in my headlamp for the occassion.

The Natahala Outdoors Center is designed to handle several white water package groups at a time. I have one of a dozen bunkrooms and in fact the whole facility to myself. Kind of spooky kicking around the empty complex, but at least I am warmish.

Take a shower in the cavernous mens room. Call home to confirm the transfer was in fact made. Confer with my friend Chris who will be meeting me -- we now agree -- just south of Standing Indian Mountain in 3 days and about 40 miles.<br />

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